The calm before the NDA drop.

So, I return to the blogosphere with full force this morning to discover a calm rumble over the forums and the recent articles. E3 at an end, we have what little new information we’ve learned about the game. New info on the archmage is basically zero (unless you count that new image I found beginning of last week).

Biggest Archmage news this week is that Dastion (*link*) is doing an archmage write up that he’ll share with us the moment the NDA drops. If you spend any time on the Warhammer Alliance archmage forum, you’re probably familiar with Dastion. If you don’t spend any time there, you should. It’s the home for your archmage bretheren. ;)

Keen over at Keen and Graev’s Gaming Blog (*link*) had quite an adventure at E3 last week. Here follows a summary of his game-info related posts:

Keen interviews Mark Jacobs at E3, clearing up some confusion about Living Cities and cut-content, *link*.
Keen comments that the graphics we see in videos and demos falls far beneath the current state of the game’s graphics (i.e. the game looks great), *link*.
Keen tells us what he learned at E3, some new stuff about WAR that has me psyched. *Link*.
And WAR won “Best of E3” from X-Play, *link*.

There is some sweet footage at the end of that video. I will admit that “Left 4 Dead” also looks quite good, but the WAR footage is some of the best I’ve seen yet (spells slinging everywhere, some encouraging lightshows).

My fingers are crossed for an NDA drop this week…preferably the NDA for WAR.

~ by thade on July 21, 2008.

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